The Tryon External Hexagon (CY and CO) Implant classic provides several possibilities to facilitate the surgical procedure besides promoting safety and comfort to the patient after the clinical process.
The Tryon External Hexagon (CY and CO) Implant classic provides several possibilities to facilitate the surgical procedure besides promoting safety and comfort to the patient after the clinical process.
Indicated for bones types I and II, its cylindrical macrogeometry is recommended for more concise bones, in addition to being widely used for rehabilitation of the mandible.
Adapted to softer bones, such as those in the maxillary region, following the popularity of Tryon CY. Its recommendation is indicated for cases of bone types III and IV.
Resistance and effective option for patients who need total rehabilitation.
Allows for a fast insertion and less trauma. Installation made with internal torque and without assembler.
Enables the use of a Switching Platform for the EH line, benefiting aesthetic and anterior areas, reducing the risk of bone loss and microgaps.